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Climbing life

4 Crux Questions That Will Change Your Climbing Forever


4 Crux Questions That Will Change Your Climbing Forever

Asking these 4 questions changed my rock climbing forever! Without asking these questions my climbing would not have developed with any focus to where it is today. I am going to share these questions with you here. I hope they with help to focus you and your rock climbingโ€ฆ


Can perspective make us better rock climbers?


Can perspective make us better rock climbers?

It is time for us all to reframe. So focus on removing the injury niggles, learn a new warm up routine, improve your core, make a distilled list of the routes you really want to climb. We have time, I hope we can see the opportunity and take action to grab it as it passes.


Scoring Goals

Scoring Goals

Many climbers have grade based goals. These are wonderful to have as part of your list. But think of others. How good is your footwork? Can you mantle? If you want to improve at any of these things set goals. Choose a route that requires improved footwork and strive to do it. Go to Castle Hill and climb 20 problems at any grade with the word mantle in the guidebook description. Whatever it is think of a way to use goals to mark the way, even if it only is as you look back.